Tuesday, May 1, 2007

TECS 290 What an adventure!

This spring I took a technology course from Fort Hays State University: TECS 290. WOW! The following are some new things I learned.

  1. I learned how to use Flicker-an online photo managing site. You can download your own pictures and share them and also browse tons of other people's pictures. You don't have to make you pictures available to everyone, you can invite who you want to share them with. In this course we made up a lesson using the flicker site and our own pics. I enjoyed learning how to use Flicker and I now share it with many of my family members. Here is mine if you want to check it out! http://www.flickr.com/photos/jrsmith6/ View the slide show it is a neat feature.
  2. In this class we also had the opportunity to move on past the basics of Power Point and use a template to make a game for a lesson plan. We had to incorporate a standard into our lesson game. I made one for astrology. I used the template at Games to Teach By http://facstaff.uww.edu/jonesd/games/ "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" It turned out great and was easy to learn.
  3. In the beginning we started up our own Social Bookmarking Site. At first, I thought it was kind of difficult to set up. Now, I am glad I did it because it is so useful. I never thought I would have so many links on it. I am still adding to it, check it out and you are welcome to add to it also! http://jrsmith6.wetpaint.com/


Alyssa Mason said...

I think we were all enamored by social bookmarking and PowerPoint games. I loved the PowerPoint games becasue I am the one who gets to control the content of the game! I made one with cows and played it with 3 different classes where I am a para, and the kids wanted to know if I had made anymore yet! I think I had as much fun making it as they did playing it!

Jennifer Dowell said...

You're blog looks really great! I an exciting time with the projects in this class also. This class opened my eyes to endless ideas and creativity for teaching!