Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Articles to Ponder

U.S. schools lag behind in use of technology
This article had many valid points. I agree that all teachers should take a technology course and I think they should take them often as technology is always changing. I like the idea of students being issued personal computers. All students would have a computer in the home then and it is a great way for parents and teachers to communicate.

National Education Technology Plan
I thought this site was interesting in that it shows teachers how they can give students more personal attention. No student is left behind, they work at their own level to improve their education. I think it is a good idea that teachers use tech based programs to enhance their teaching styles.

National Education Technology Standards: NETS
I enjoyed how easy it was in this site to incorporate standards in to your curriculum. There were many ideas on how to link technology into your lessons.

Don't just adapt technology! Adopt it!
As an adult I do feel like a "digital immigrant" at times around my middle school students. Again this article believes that students should have their own personal computers that they have personalized themselves. I agree, it's a great way for students to express themselves. At the prize of a $100 each, that is not too costly. I liked the four step process in this article, it has so much truth to it.

High School.com
It is a great idea for students to take some online classes while they are in High School, if they have the discipline to do so. I agree with the article in that the students gain in areas that are not offered in many small town High School. I do worry about the students that drop out of High School and just take only online courses. I think the traditional High School teaches many social skills and other skills that are not learned on the computer.

1 comment:

Rusty W said...

This comment is on the picture. I have a two-year old so I understand. Whoever invented Cheetos should be made to suffer!!!!

But at least I don't think he's figured out how to uncork the wine bottle in the background yet, right?